Anchor Baptist Church Ministries

Wayside Scripture Sign Ministry
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Wayside Scripture Sign Ministry
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This is the couple that heads up the Scripture sign ministry for our Church. If you would like to know more about this please see them.

Billy and Sherry Clark

The history of how the ministry started. Back in 1953, W. O. Robinson preached a revival in Bay Minette, Alabama. One of the people that were saved in that revival was a postal worker named Malcolm Dickman. After seeing the Southern Baptist "Cooperative Program" mismanage the Lord's money over a number of years, and after seeing how the Devil used billboards in selling liquor and cigarettes, the Lord led Bro. Dickman to start a sign ministry displaying verses of Scripture in black letters on a plain white background.

These Scriptures verses made Brother Dickman's signs unique. They were not "cute" sayings or witticisms, but were actual words of God from a King James Bible set up in the front of peoples; homes. There is no other ministry like it, in America, that exposes passers-by to a constantly changing variety of Scriptures.

Through the years the signs have disturbed, perplexed, and aggravated Catholics and backslidden Christians who are ashamed at the public display of God's words. At the same time, they have identified those believers who love the Scriptures and are trying to reach the lost. As a result, Brother Dickman has received many testimonies throughout the years of Christains leading lost neighbors and others to the Lord as the result of the signs.

Bro. Dickman is now up in years, and his health no longer allows him to manage the sign ministry as he has in the past. But Wayside Scriptures is not dead. It is just under new management and a new name, i.e. the Bible Baptist Bookstore.

The Bible Baptist Bookstore is pleased to announce Wayside Scripture Signs as its new line of products. There are 111 signs from which to choose, and each one has a verse of Scripture on each side, positive and negative. We also carry the frames and replacement parts for displaying the signs.

In a day when the display of religious messages is banned on public property, every Christian should take advantage of his freedom to display God's word on his own private property. You, or several other people, could order for yourself and start your own sign ministry in your area, rotating them, or exchanging them.

But as Bro. Dickman was encouraged to do years ago: "DO SOMETHING FOR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST."

You can find which signs are available go to this site.